Tuesday, December 01, 2009

“Making Modularity Manageable™”.

Or should that be "OSGi Mmm...." ;)

I am very pleased to announce the release of Paremus Nimble today. Nimble combines a feature rich OSGi shell with the industries most powerful dependency resolver. The Nimble release is not only a software release, but a landmark in our ongoing mission to making adaptive OSGi based systems simpler to develop and manage than the legacy they replace.

The most productive way to manage and interact with OSGi Frameworks that's currently available, you may download and use Nimble for free on a 30 day renewable license.

So whether you're new to OSGi, an experienced OSGi developer, or an administrator charged with deploying and managing sophisticated OSGi based composite applications, we suspect you'll find Paremus Nimble invaluable.

Given that you've read this far, you may also be interest in a couple of posts from the Paremus team including:

'55k download and 85 chars to run spring simple web app' & 'osgi file install nimble style'

Its also been well received in the twittersphere including comments such as

very impressive http://bit.ly/7lzv3w Nimble by paremus #osgi #in” by @yanpujante.

Thanks Yan!

Please feel free to feedback experiences and comments to the Nimble Blog, or tweet us @paremus.

Merry Xmas (almost)


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