Friday, July 06, 2007

We live in exciting times!

Java EE 6 is announced. The Interface21 folks think its finally "right", and the daggers are drawn as the old JBoss boys feel the need to defend their position as popular open source JEE appserver vendor (see theserverside).

Extensibility and Profiling are a couple of key features in Java EE 6.

Mmmm. So I can take my very bloated Java EE infrastructure and reduce it to merely bloated.

I'm almost sold on the idea ;-)

But hang on? What about OSGi and SCA. Can I not already dynamically build very sophisticated distributed composite applications that adapt and evolve to their resource landscapes? Such distributed application services only running loading and running what is required at each specific point in time. These solutions self-managing, self-configuring and self healing?

Well actually, yes I can - and Java EE - in any form - doesn't figure!

On a finishing note - a nice article (concerning Web Services) whose underlying message is, I'd suggest, as equally applicable to the monolith Java EE v.s. composite OSGi / SCA debate.

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